
At Home Walking for Pain Relief

No matter what treatment you are receiving for your back pain or other condition you are going to have to do some at home therapy. With just about every single treatment you spend just a small portion of the day getting it done, the rest of the time is spent somewhere else. This means that you are on your own without anyone else watching what you are doing. Many things can happen to flare the back up and undo what the treatment is working towards, but that is going to be covered in a different article.

We will discuss how you can make the healing process happen faster by doing something so easy that you will be happy to know it is available. It is walking. You may or may not have the luxury or walking if your pain is so severe, but we will assume that you may be able to do it.
You will want to walk every single day. This is not jogging or running, this is going at a normal speed and rate. You have an injury and pushing yourself beyond a place you should not would only cause more issues. It should happen on a flat surface and at a slow to medium rate. You also want to wear tennis shoes without heals and a nice soft cushion underneath without any inches added to the heel height.
When you go out, go for about a half hour to an hour and focus on keeping your back straight and your head up just a bit. You will not want to do any fast movements and if you have to bend down to pick something up then you want to bend at your knees and work to not arch the back at all. Doing this every day will work to keep the spinal discs healthier than they were before. It can help all the muscles move and this is a good thing. There are many other benefits because the heart and lungs can improve in function. Bring a small bottle of water with you and sip on it throughout the walk, your muscles need it. So, no matter what you have going on to repair your back, go out and exercise like mentioned above and do not over due it. If you do go overboard it can set you back on any of the progress you could be making.

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