The mind is a powerful thing. This has been said by the top Doctors in the world and all those who are specialists in the field of psychology and pain management. When seeking relief from spinal conditions the problem is more often than not structural, and when this is the case a treatment plan needs to be put together to heal that structure. If it is a herniated disc or spinal stenosis the specific areas need attention and to be treated with the best techniques and machines available. In order for a successful outcome to happen there are thoughts and feelings that patient's have that go along with the entire process. Thoughts can guide a person's life in whichever direction they want it to go.
Here are 3 positive thinking tips:
1. Surround yourself with positive people. If you have heard the saying "birds of the same feather flock together" then you will probably understand this tip. If you surround yourself with negative people who do not think things will turn out for the better and spend their days focusing on the bad stuff, then that is what you will probably do too. If you are a chronic back pain patient now you can start to hang out with people who view life like a glass half full, rather than half empty. It is not going to cure your back pain, but if you try it for a few weeks you might really end up benefiting.
2. Do things you enjoy. Hobbies are great to help improve the mental state. If you have a condition such as spinal stenosis or a lumbar herniated disc then you might not be able to currently do some of your favorite outdoor or sports hobbies, but you still can do other things. It might be that you love chess or building model airplanes, explore what you love to do that can help take your mind in a direction other than pain. If your problem is not preventing you from taking a small walk, you could go to the Johnny Carson Park in Burbank or better yet, visit the Strough Canyon Nature Center for a day with nature.
3. Start a journal. When you write your thoughts down on paper you can document what has been going on with your life. It is good advice to simply start writing without thinking about it too much on a daily basis. Do this for two weeks without analyzing anything. Then after two weeks of journal entries take a few minutes and read it. Study what you write and when you wrote it. Look for things that are making your life more difficult and see if there are any similar trends that happen, such as your neck pain hurts first thing in the morning and this is when you are the most negative. Once you find out what it is that is causing you the most issues, then you can work on a plan to get it fixed.
It is true that thoughts are what cause our actions. Right now reading this your thoughts are going to determine what you do next. Hopefully it will be one of the three tips to start you getting out of pain and enjoying your life, family, job, and friends.
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