
Desk Job with Walking and Working at the Same Time?

The research keeps coming out with information about how to improve our lives and get rid of the things that hold us back. There is something that has been studied more in depth over the last couple of years and I am sure more work will be done to figure out what the best answer is to this problem. The issue is that people are sitting more than ever and exercising less and less. There has been so much data pointing to excess sitting as something that is causing many health related complications. The heart seems to be the organ that misses out on the exercise the muscles could be getting and can become weak and not function as well as it should. The muscles all over the body are not exercised like they should and this leads to issues. Back pain can increase because of the lack of motion and there are many, many more things that happen because of this.

What could be done about this? There needs to be a solution that allows people to do desk work like normal but keep active. There has been some evidence that tapping the knee could help out, but I think there needs to be more done. There are treadmills that are built around the work station and this is excellent. This allows for the person to walk at a very slow rate and type, talk on the phone, or do any other task at the desk while exercising the entire body. There is more oxygen reaching the heart and brain this way as compared to just sitting there. Personally think that as time passes there will be companies that set up their entire work force with desks as mentioned above. This could keep the entire work force healthier and cut back on healthcare expenses.

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