
Why Heat Is Horrible For Back Pain Relief

The information that we gather on an ongoing basis helps us all make correct and accurate decisions. Whe we get the best information we can get the best outcomes.

Heat applied to the back for pain relief is not recommended. Here you have a back that is pain and is inflammed. At first you might think that putting heat on it would help it heal faster, maybe get the cells to clear out the inflammatory chemicals faster, but guess what? It doesn't work. It makes the pain worse. Yes, you can get immediate fast pain relief while the hot towel or hot pack is applied to the lumbar or cervical spine, but then you end up hurting worse later. It is so similiar to thinking of your back pain as a fire. When you pour gasoline on the fire it grows and gets bigger, this is a good way to think of what you are doing when you put heat on your back when you are in pain.


There are a few auto-immune arthiritis diseases that can benefit from the use of heat therapy, espcecially for the joints in the hands and wrists. But for back pain, forget it. Use ice and lower the inflammation. Ice also can kill the pain fast. It is currently summer time and most of us are so hot a nice ice pack on the lower back would help cool the entire body down while lowering the inflammation at the injured area.

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