The human body is meant to function a certain way. There is something called the gait, and this is the way that someone walks. It is how they move their legs and body as they move their body forward. There is a chain that connects the body, it goes from the feet to the knees then to the hip joints and spine. Many things can go wrong and make this chain not work correctly. Today we will focus on the feet and how orthotic inserts in Los Angeles can help improve the chain and the gait.
The job of a foot is to help make walking easier and there is something that should be said here in the beginning, there are 28 bones and over 30 joints in each foot. There are that many joints because the foot is meant to move and absorb shock. If the foot is not moving correctly then guess where the force goes from each step taken? The knees, hip joints, sacroiliac joints, and the lumbar spine. It is important to get the feet to function properly because it can relieve pain from other parts of the body. There are many ligaments and tendons that are in the feet too, and a common problem that people suffer from is plantar fasciitis. A doctor or specialist can do special tests and examinations to diagnosis the function of the feet. The goal is to get healthy motion in the feet, relieve the pain, and make the entire chain better. Orthotics are often used to help increase the arch. With an increased arch there can be more shock absorption with each step that it taken. With the right testing the exact problem can be detected. It might be that one foot is working way differently than the other foot. Treatment can be applied to make both feet work correctly. Orthotics work and if you suffer from a spinal condition causing pain, this is something that you will want to look into. The quality varies and since you only have one body and two feet it would be wise to buy orthotics built with the latest technology and highest quality materials.
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